Archive for March, 2010

Exposing Mike Hodgens and his dog breeding scams

March 8, 2010

 Mike Hodgens Mike Hodgens Mike Hodgens Mike Hodgens
What are you doing to the Australian dog owners again !

 Hello all, this blog was created to let everyone have there say about Mike Hodgens, his Bull Arabs that he has not owned or breed for over 20 years, and the cross breed dogs he is breeding again in the suburds of Townsvilles.

 As he does not allow comments on his site from anybody, that does not agree with what he says, approve with what he is doing, or do and say what he wants, BECAUSE it might stop or slow down what Mike Hodgens is really doing again ?

So how this blog will work, visit Mike Hodgens webpage at

Read the Subjects that amuse you the most !

Then come back here ! Post the name of the subject or subjects you want your say on, then have your say on it, or just have your comment about Mike Hodgens his dealings and threats.

Tell us what you think or know about the man, as he likes to do to other people on his blog.

About the breeds he thinks he has created now, by just crossing any 2 dogs togeather and the ridiculous price tags he puts on them.

The ability (unproven) he says these dogs have or will have when they are born or old enough.

 What you think his goal really is.

thanks ! hope you enjoy this blog, and it will let people who do not know the man, get to know what he is really like, we would hate to see anybody ripped off, scammed or misinformed again buy this man again !






MIKE ERROL HODGENS Back in the News Again with ACA !

The news that was Mike Vivian Thomas Hodgens and still is today !

This Photo was sent into us today by our Experts !

This is what our insider Experts have uncovered !

 Mike Hodgens newest cross breed !


Apparently it has the ability to Baa Shit any feral animal into believeing and doing what it says !

Mike Hodgens newest Breed
The Baa Arab Mike Hodgens personal cross !


Also from our Experts !

We have recieved a copy of the famous Mike Willisee DVD

Its a story ACA done on Mike Hodgens



Mike Hodgens  Bull Stops

Anyone considering buying a Mike Hodgens Bull Stop

Take note it is a first cross from 2 dogs that nobody wanted ! 

See below just one of  the conversation’s had about the 2 dogs, Mike Hodgens used and how he got them,

As said before, if you dont believe what is posted here about Mike Hodgens

join one of Australia’s Pig Hunting Forums and ask for yourself !

Just Google one or all of the below forums and ask about Mike Hodgens !


Dont let him rip you off ! like he has done to many others !

Posted 11 October 2009 – 09:30 PM

hi my name is sean, i dont frequent this site or any others for that fact but thought i should warn every one of the pups mike/errol hodgens is selling. the father of the pups gus/banjo is not a fila presa like he has claimed but rottweiler doberman x 3/4 bloodhound fila.
he has never caught a pig and has no interest in hunting (wel not in the year we had him) and was not an excelent gaurd dog but very timid.
when we wanted to rehome gus we where looking for a nice pet home for him or failing that he to be put down (better then a bad home) but when we got a call from mike he gave me an hour long sob story about how hard it had been for him with the fall of his bull arabs etc etc and how with gus he could start over. yes i got sucked in! but gus was on a loan/trial.
now we think we will never get him bak even though he is stil reg to my partnerwe have had abbusive phone calls of him n have now had to change our numbers to get rid of him.
on his personal site he has also totaly run down the dog breed we have as he knew abuot them but thinks that is ok just thought all perspective buyers should beware

Posted 11 October 2009 – 10:34 PM

Mate it will only be complete tools and idiots that pay for those dogs anyways.

Posted 11 October 2009 – 11:54 PM

Onya for posting the truth Sean.Its what some of us already know.Sorry you got scammed by MH but let it serve as a lesson to others.
The dog doesnt have doberman in him and he is not even half Fila anyway not that it matters. He was a cull and that is why he was given to Barr Rochford in the frst place.Its funny how the dog has gone from one lunatic convicted of animal cruelty (about to be sentenced).To another luinatic convicted of animal cruelty.Thse dogs attract lunatics like a ripe carcass attracts maggots.

Posted 15 October 2009 – 04:09 PM

to top the story off rosie the bitch has never been hunted either ,,i took her for a few runs and i thort she was gunna overheat and die buy the way she was panting so i gave her back to my mate who then lent her to mike h after receiveing a sob story from him and he put some big useless dog over her he now has rosie back as a pet ,,,,she was an excellent guard dog but !!!!!!


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