Mike Hodgens ACA Willisee dvd

One Response to “Mike Hodgens ACA Willisee dvd”

  1. Matt Klement Says:

    After receiving a call from PP, one of the best bull arab breeders in Australia about the Mike Willisee report regarding Mike, I can honestly say much. Mike Hodgens or Erol Hodgens has been ringing me and trying to form a strategic alliance with me due to my computer and internet knowlege as I am a former expert in Computer Engineering and IT Projects working overseas and across Australia. I went full time breeding bull arabs 9 months ago (Nov 2009) after doing it as a hobby for many years prior and am apaulled at what I have seen. I severed all contact some time ago with him and another NSW Bull Arab breeder of 20+ years due to their dodgy ways. Mike Hodgens is a guy who if (you don’t accept everything he says – runs you down and calls you names). I realised this along time ago even though I was respectful for him establishing the original breed. I knew something was going on with my instinct when I saw the way he treated dogs lately (2009/2010) I asked him if he used to treat dogs badly and now is guilty of it and wants to make up for it with the way he was affectionate about Banjo (his new Braz Mastiff cross) – he denied it and said he always loved dogs – he is full of bullshit, is a liar from what I have seen and heard from his mouth and cannot be trusted under any circumstances. I have cross checked his comments over time and seen serious inconsistencies and therefore I warn anyone or any future buyers – do not buy from him. Do not buy any dogs or pups. He lives in townsville and my friend whom I introduced (Ken Millard) has seen his deplorable setup and has made comments to me about the conditions that Mike keeps his dogs in now. Lets all band together and force him out of Townsville. Ring the Townsville City Council and raise the issue with them. If enough of us do this and bring pressure to him, he will have to stop breeding or move or both. He wanted to buy my dogfarm and I refused to even let him enter my farm. I want nothing to do with him and support Peter Paulsen for his efforts in exposing Mike or Errol Hodgens for what he really is. I vidimentely deny any suggestion I was ever friends or affiliated with this evil dog using Man. Ps: he does not hunt nor catch pigs with any of his dogs. Don’t buy from unproven dogs. Matt Klement http://www.klement.com.au

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